"The works bellow are part of an extensive investigation during my master degree. All developed with my colleague in extra hours. from the basics to a hydraulic structure."

MAster thesis Project
Rhino Grasshopper (Kangaroo)
3D Max
Chitubox 64



First render

Iteration 1

Iteration 2

Iteration 3

Iteration 4

Iteration 5

Iteration 6

Iteration 7

Iteration 8

Iteration 9
Oasis came from the idea of a space to relax and disconnect from the messy city life. A creature that can apear in anyplace at anytime to provide shelter. A creature that feels out of the context.
We choose inflatable architecture because it is easy to install and transport. With few materials, we could design a big space that other types of architecture can't. Being one of the goals to build the prototype in 1 to 1 scale to prove all the point mentioned above.
We chose organic elements to emphasize the contrast between the city and Oasis. The man o war, a natural inflatable structure made of microorganisms, was the perfect inspiration for the models. We used Kangaroo from Grasshopper to make a script. It emulates the deformation of the membrane caused by the fan's pressure. Then, it uses that force to compress or decompress the structure. In addition, the script were parametric so we made a large number of iterations. The ones in the left side, are some of the them.

Final iteration

oasis City is a larger scale iteration with interconnecting spaces

render model

render model 2

3D printed model


Once we made the patterning and the coordinates for the pieces in rhino. We start the construction process. We display the membranes, mark the coordinates, cut the patterns, and sew them for a strong union.
We start with the chimney. Then, we work on the larger patterns that came in contact with the ground. Finally, we cut and sew the base. We use a tougher membrane to wrap everything. It prevents the polyethylene from tearing during transportation.
All the structure weighted 80kg and had a dimension of 6 meters in length, 5 in wide and 5 in height. The materials used: PVC, polyethylene, Mehler membrane and common thread. The constructions lasted for 2 months with 2 persons, and it needed 300 patterns.
At the end, the prototype was a success. The membrane works, the seams hold, and the calculated volumetry responds as expected.

Rhino Grasshopper (Kangaroo)

Torus was an experimental exercise. The main purpose was to find the best way to pattern a hydraulic structure using a parametric program called Grasshopper. Also, we wanted to find the best type of sewing to prevent tearing the materials. The concept was take from an old story about a monster that appears from nowhere. It captures the people that it encounters inside its head. We transform the playfulness of the inflatable and make it feel like a horror movie. Taking advantage of its light weight we put it in different scenarios.


Collide was the first prototypes of inflatable with pattern. Using hand-made calculations, we cut garbage bags and join them with tape. We experimented with the angles to create a donut kind shape. We used the oposites that complement each other as concept. That takes the most importan part of the design, the black and white, the translucent and the opaque. The concept takes more importance in the videotaping stage. Were we design the video to emulate a "chaotic dance" and a conversation between both.

"intangible reality permeated by stimulatory waves”
José Miguel de Prada Poole